What A Handsome Guy

What A Handsome Guy

Halloween as Spiderman

Halloween as Spiderman
with my big sister, Spidergirl

Turning 2 in St. Maarten

Turning 2 in St. Maarten
Happy Birthday

Addison on the 1's and 2's - Following in Daddy's Footsteps

Addison on the 1's and 2's - Following in Daddy's Footsteps

Addison's First Sledding Adventure - in his bathtub!

Addison's First Sledding Adventure - in his bathtub!

Where's My Hair, Mom?

Where's My Hair, Mom?

Me and My New Bald Head

Me and My New Bald Head

Two Gorgeous Kiddies

Two Gorgeous Kiddies

Me and My Friend Alex

Me and My Friend Alex

Our First Christmas as a Foursome

Our First Christmas as a Foursome

My New Fav Pic of Mommy and Ella

My New Fav Pic of Mommy and Ella

Addison Is Officially Addison Now

Addison Is Officially Addison Now
We finalized his readoption on Mon, Dec 14, 2009

My First Halloween

My First Halloween

Enjoy a little video of our new little guy

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

They Found It!

We got an email from our agency today that they forwarded from Ethiopia. They have our Visa 37 afterall! This is SO major. We had 4 days of inordinate stress, while trying to be professional at a conference in FL, only for them to say, "oh, we found it" as if it were no big deal. This is the biggest relief! Just the thought of how we would even begin to replicate the process made me want to start injecting IVF drugs asap.

My friend Stephanie told me to tell them to hurry up and give us our son before they misplace him. It made us laugh. Goodness knows we needed it. It is kind of hiliarous thinking about it. Especially when we got an email that said the wait time from match to travel is now looking like 4 months, because there only 2 judges in the entire country that hear adoption cases and that they are getting backlogged. Crazy!
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain.
Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker
Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker