What A Handsome Guy

What A Handsome Guy

Halloween as Spiderman

Halloween as Spiderman
with my big sister, Spidergirl

Turning 2 in St. Maarten

Turning 2 in St. Maarten
Happy Birthday

Addison on the 1's and 2's - Following in Daddy's Footsteps

Addison on the 1's and 2's - Following in Daddy's Footsteps

Addison's First Sledding Adventure - in his bathtub!

Addison's First Sledding Adventure - in his bathtub!

Where's My Hair, Mom?

Where's My Hair, Mom?

Me and My New Bald Head

Me and My New Bald Head

Two Gorgeous Kiddies

Two Gorgeous Kiddies

Me and My Friend Alex

Me and My Friend Alex

Our First Christmas as a Foursome

Our First Christmas as a Foursome

My New Fav Pic of Mommy and Ella

My New Fav Pic of Mommy and Ella

Addison Is Officially Addison Now

Addison Is Officially Addison Now
We finalized his readoption on Mon, Dec 14, 2009

My First Halloween

My First Halloween

Enjoy a little video of our new little guy

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Referrals are Pouring In

So for the last few weeks, the referrals have finally been rolling in. We've really just tried to put the adoption out of our minds, but now as the matches are being made, we're realizing it might actually happen! Our new fingerprints have been sent to Addis Ababa and there shouldn't be any problems with our dossier. So, it almost feels too good to be true that we're all up to date and that the referrals have been coming in for the last three weeks in a row. On 9/15 we were number 67 on the list, and since then it looks like about 23 kids have been referred. Yikes! Does that mean we could really be down in the 40's now!? There were only 26 people waiting for boys 0-15 months in front of us on the list on July 29th, so it could be that there are only 15 or so now! Yikes! Could this really be happening!? I mean could we really be getting a call one day in December or January or February to say our son is ready for us??? It doesn't even feel real right now. It's crazy to even think about it. But so exciting that things are moving along again, that's for sure.

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Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain.
Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker
Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker